Footscray Church of Christ
Generations Pastor
Position Description - full Position Description file here
Time Fraction: Part time (0.4 to 0.6 FTE) to be negotiated.
Reporting To: Senior Pastor of Footscray Church of Christ.
Footscray Church of Christ is a multi-age, diverse and growing community in the Inner West of Melbourne. Our church seeks to love God and love Footscray.
We have a growing kids ministry (Kids of the West) with committed and experienced teachers. We also have a youth program (Inner West Youth) with a fantastic young coordinator and other leaders. We have recently established a Young Adults small group.
This newly created position has come about due the incredible growth we have been enjoying and experiencing over the past three years. We have seen growth in the number of families with young and older children, as well as people across all generations.
We are seeking a capable and committed part-time Generations Pastor who will oversee and develop ministry among the younger generations within the Church.
The Generations Pastor will be someone who loves to mobilise and mentor others, is focused on outcomes over tasks and will work effectively alongside the Senior Pastor in serving our wonderfully diverse community. We’re looking for a ‘team player’ who has had experience in leading and/or coordinating people orientated ministries.
The Person
The successful candidate will:
Have a demonstrated commitment to the Lordship of Christ in all areas of their life.
Possess an excellent character that reflects integrity, humility, emotional health and a servant leadership
Have a missional approach to ministry with a focus on the gospel and a strong biblical foundation
Demonstrated capacity to develop and mentor leaders
Have high interpersonal and communication skills
Hold a recognised Christian theological qualification (or currently studying)
Key Relationships
The successful candidate will need to work and relate closely with:
Senior Pastor
Kids of the West Leaders (Primary aged)
Inner West Leaders (Secondary aged)
Young Adults
Please see Attachment A for more detail.
Key Duties
Coordinate the Kids of the West programme, support and train current and new leaders
Support and train Inner West Youth leaders, be present at Inner West Youth events as required
Make connections with young adults and support their faith journey
Develop pathways and connections between these groups and the broader church community
Child Safety
Footscray Church of Christ has a zero tolerance of child abuse.
We take our responsibility for ensuring each child is safe by taking all practical measures to ensure that our Child Protection and Safety Policy, Procedure and Code of Conduct are implemented effectively, ensuring that a strong and sustainable child protection culture is maintained within our church community.
We have established a series of Child Safety Policies, Procedures and a Code of Conduct for all employees, volunteers and contractors working with our children. This is aimed to protect children from abuse and embed a culture of child safety in our church
Monthly review meetings with the Senior Pastor.
Six monthly report to be tabled to the Elders on ministry activities and effectiveness.
Annual meeting with the Elders to provide an update.
Salary and allowances will be negotiated with the Senior Pastor in line with Churches of Christ Vic/Tas Renumeration Schedule.
For more information, please see the full position description at and/or call Jarrod Davies (Pastor) on 0400682032.
Submit your application, including resume, three referees, and your response to the position description, by September 30 2024 via email to Jarrod Davies at
Full Position Description here